Latest WinQS-V2 Version / WinQS v3.1.1.2

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What’s new in V3.0

 WinQS Version 3 was systematically released since April 2020. New and existing features include and are not limited to the following:

 SQL Server 2014

The Microsoft SQL server installed with this version of WinQS is the Microsoft SQL server 2014. All WinQS version 2 projects will therefore have to be upgraded from Microsoft SQL server 2008 to 2014.

Browse View for CCR Locked projects

Users will now be able to see the Contract, Estimated Final Cost and Certificate quantity and amount columns on the browse view, together with the relevant totals.

Variation Orders

WinQS has introduced a new function in terms of Variation Orders. This can be used in WinQS where the dongle/license has the Valuation Module activated.

Variation Orders in WinQS will assist users to ADD and OMIT dimensions/values against these Instructions/Scope Changes after the document was CCR locked with the Variation Orders option. Users will also be able to print Variation Order Reports, detailing these changes from the Contract. Reference can be made to the official Variation Order or Site Instruction numbers. The VO number in QS is therefore a code similar to the ISC code.

Together with the VO function, we’ve also introduced various new reports which includes a VO detail, VO Summary, VO per Location and VO per Trade Report.

Import Valuation Quantities

Users will now be able to import claims from Contractors into the CCR locked document. This file needs to be in a specific Excel format.


Filters have been added to a few screens in WinQS, this includes the Project List screen, dimX document, Copy Screen, Move Screen, etc. Users will be able to filter items per column. I.e, filter dimX items per unit “NO”.

New Valuation Reports

New Valuation Reports have been added, which includes Valuation per Location and Valuation per Structure. Users will also be able to print Historical reports of any of the Valuation Reports.

Omit Function Added

A new Omit button has been introduced, where users can omit dimensions per item, bill or document. This is ideal when measuring final account quantities.

Reference Documents

Standard System 7 has been included as part of the Reference Documents.

Soft Licences

We have introduced two new types of licences, a Standalone Soft License and a Network Soft License. The Network soft license will assist with companies that wish to move their WinQS data to a cloud server. 


You can “Check for an Upgrade” from within WinQS-V2 NOW !!

 There is NO need to download the WinQS Upgrade files. To check for the latest version click on the Help menu and select “Check for Upgrade”

Whats new in V2.0

WinQS Version 2 was systematically released since June 2017. New and existing features include and are not limited to the following

Automatic Lookups

Users can now add formulas in their item descriptions that will create automatic lookups as follows:

Automatic Bill/Section Numbering

  • Automatic Provisional Sum Rate and Rate in Words
  • Automatic Constants in BoE’s.

Word Processing

When adding/editing item descriptions, a ruler and various Word processing buttons, which are common to most Word processors, have been added. These buttons include:

  • Keep text together
  • Adding bullets
  • Adding numbering
  • Inserting tables, etc.
  •  Remove rich text formatting

An immediate spell check has also been incorporated which will underline an incorrect spelled or duplicated word in red.

New Documents

Three new Documents have been added in addition to the BoQ’s, BoE’s and MG’s Documents. These Documents are as follows:


The JBCC module has been included in the WinQS program and is not running as a separate program anymore. The module generates ALL the monthly payment certificate reports in terms of the JBCC Principal Building Agreement and Minor Works Agreement and includes:

  • CPAP (Escalation) Calculations in accordance with the JBCC Escalation Provisions.
  • Certificates, Notifications & Recovery Statements – All the necessary reports are printed as required for the JBCC Agreements

The Contracts included are as follows:

  • PBA JBCC 5.1, 6.1 and 6.2
  • Minor Works 4.1, 5.1 and 5.2User will have the option to manually input values into JBCC or to link CCR values to the JBCC document. 


The dimensionX Document has been added to auto measure from dimensionX documentation. dimensionX can now be linked to all active documents (BoQ’s, BoE’s, BoQ’s MG, BoE’s MG – Depending on the active modules)

Global Project Constants (GPC)

The GPC Document functionality is similar to input of items in the BoQ’s and BoE’s. Input items (GPC descriptions), then enter the dimension of the GPC, exactly the same as entering any other dimension.  The only difference being that Locations are not relevant in the GPC document.